131 research outputs found

    Contribuição do Estudo da Apatia Para a Compreensão da Doença de Parkinson

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    Objetivo. A apatia é reconhecida como estando presente numa variedade de perturbações psiquiátricas e condições neurológicas, reportando uma perturbação motivacional no comportamento orientado para objetivos. O principal objetivo do presente estudo é contribuir para a compreensão da doença de Parkinson, através da análise da relação entre a apatia, aspetos demográficos (e.g., idade, sexo) e alguns aspetos clínicos (e.g., sintomas depressivos) de sujeitos com doença de Parkinson. Método. A amostra é constituída por 61 sujeitos, 30 sujeitos da comunidade (grupo não-clínico) e 31 sujeitos com doença de Parkinson (grupo clínico), os quais foram individualmente submetidos a uma entrevista clínica e a um rastreio cognitivo. Resultados. Os resultados mostram que a apatia se apresenta como uma condição prevalente na doença de Parkinson, fortemente associada a sintomas depressivos, sobretudo no sexo feminino. Conclusões. Os dados reforçam a necessidade de um diagnóstico eficaz da apatia na doença de Parkinson, a compreensão das suas especificidades e da sua associação com a depressão

    Representação espacial numérica e relação com capacidades lógico-matemáticas: os processos de subitar e contar

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    Bruyelle Pierre. André Gamblin. Introduction. In: Hommes et Terres du Nord, 1991/2-3. Régions de fortes densités Mélanges offerts à André Gamblin. pp. 73-74

    On the analysis of EEG power, frequency and asymmetry in Parkinson's disease during emotion processing

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    Objective: While Parkinson’s disease (PD) has traditionally been described as a movement disorder, there is growing evidence of disruption in emotion information processing associated with the disease. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there are specific electroencephalographic (EEG) characteristics that discriminate PD patients and normal controls during emotion information processing. Method: EEG recordings from 14 scalp sites were collected from 20 PD patients and 30 age-matched normal controls. Multimodal (audio-visual) stimuli were presented to evoke specific targeted emotional states such as happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise and disgust. Absolute and relative power, frequency and asymmetry measures derived from spectrally analyzed EEGs were subjected to repeated ANOVA measures for group comparisons as well as to discriminate function analysis to examine their utility as classification indices. In addition, subjective ratings were obtained for the used emotional stimuli. Results: Behaviorally, PD patients showed no impairments in emotion recognition as measured by subjective ratings. Compared with normal controls, PD patients evidenced smaller overall relative delta, theta, alpha and beta power, and at bilateral anterior regions smaller absolute theta, alpha, and beta power and higher mean total spectrum frequency across different emotional states. Inter-hemispheric theta, alpha, and beta power asymmetry index differences were noted, with controls exhibiting greater right than left hemisphere activation. Whereas intra-hemispheric alpha power asymmetry reduction was exhibited in patients bilaterally at all regions. Discriminant analysis correctly classified 95.0% of the patients and controls during emotional stimuli. Conclusion: These distributed spectral powers in different frequency bands might provide meaningful information about emotional processing in PD patients

    Measuring Mental Health Literacy of Teacher: A Pilot Study

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    Almeida A, Pinheiro P, Okan O, Pereira A, Mesquita E. Measuring Mental Health Literacy of Teacher: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Case Studies. 2017;5(12):35-40

    Psychometry and Pescatori projective test in coloproctological patients

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    Background Psychological assessment is not commonly performed nor easily accepted by coloproctological patients. Our aim was to evaluate the psychological component of coloproctological disorders using uncommon tools. Methods The 21-Item Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale and the Pescatori projective test were applied to coloproctological outpatients of the Gastroenterology Department of our hospital as well as to healthy volunteers. Results Seventy patients (median age 47 years, 22 male) divided in 4 groups (functional constipation, constipated irritable bowel syndrome, benign anorectal disease and perianal Crohn's disease) and 52 healthy volunteers (age 45 years, 18 male) completed the tests. Proctological patients showed higher scores of depression (P<0.001), anxiety (P<0.001), and stress (P<0.001) compared to healthy participants. Compared to the control group, patients with functional constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and perianal Crohn's disease maintained the highest scores in all subscales (P<0.05), while patients with benign anorectal disease only had higher anxiety and stress (P<0.001) scores. The patients' also showed lower scores in the Pescatori projective test (P= 0.012). A weak association between the projective test and the depression subscale was found (P= 0.05). Conclusion Proctological patients had higher scores of depression, anxiety and stress and lower scores in the Pescatori projective test compared to healthy controls.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    AnsT-19: Development and Validation of a Scale to Access the Anxiety of Family Physicians during Teleconsultation

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    Introduction: Following the outbreak of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus it was necessary to increase the non-face-to-face care activity through alternative means such as teleconsultation in primary health care. The adjustment to a type of remote consultation could have generated anxiety among family physicians. The main aim of the present study was to develop and validate a scale to assess the anxiety of family physicians during teleconsultation. Material and Methods: Observational, cross-sectional study involving a sample of family physicians working in Portugal. An online survey that evaluated anxiety in teleconsultation was developed. Results: A total of 359 valid responses were included in an exploratory factor analysis, after determining the number of factors to retain. A four-factor structure was detected with loadings ranging overall, from 0.44 to 0.98. Correlations between factors ranged from 0.42 to 0.58. Exploratory factor analysis results varied between good and very good fit, with chi-square/df result = 2.448, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.062 [90% CI = (0.053, 0.073)], root mean square of the residuals (RMSR) = 0.030 and Tucker Lewis index (TLI) = 0.931. Composite reliability was higher than 0.7 for all factors and average variance extracted was close or above 0.5 for the extracted factors, confirming convergent validity. McDonald’s omega (ω) = 0.95 suggested the presence of a second-order factor, and thus a global measure for assessing anxiety during teleconsultation. Concurrent validity results were good, with correlations ranging from r = -0.277 to r = -0.393 with General Self-Efficacy scale (GSE) and r = 0.302 to r = 0.547 with Depression Anxiety Stress scales (DASS). Moderate correlations found between DASS and the dimensions of AnsT-19 suggest that AnsT-19 is capturing anxiety from the teleconsultation point of view. AnsT-19 factors and total score were significantly associated with gender, experience as a family doctor, psychotropic medication during the pandemic period and pre-pandemic experience of teleconsultation, indicating good construct validity. The limitations of the study are related to the convenience process, the use of an online survey and self-reported measurements. Conclusion: AnsT-19 is a valid instrument to assess the anxiety of family physicians during teleconsultation

    Escala de Competências e Métodos de Estudo (ECME – ES): adaptação e validação no contexto do ensino superior angolano

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    Muitas são as evidências de que o sucesso no Ensino Superior depende muito dos métodos e aptidões de estudo que os alunos utilizam. Nesse intuito, o presente trabalho pretende adaptar e validar a Escala de Competências e Métodos de Estudo no Ensino Superior para a população angolana. A amostra foi constituída por 286 alunos, de ambos os géneros, com médias de idade de 22.58 anos (DP=4.65), que frequentavam os primeiros anos das licenciaturas de um Instituto Superior em Angola. O instrumento de avaliação utilizado foi a Escala de Competências de Métodos de Estudo (ECME-ES), com escala tipo Likert, constituída na sua versão final por 47 itens e na versão original 63 itens. Os resultados indicaram que esta escala (ECME-ES), constituída por seis subescalas, apresentou como resultados médios mais elevados, por ordem decrescente, as seguintes dimensões: (I) Motivação, (II) Compreensão, (III) Avaliação, (IV) Organização diária da área de estudo, (V) Gestão do Tempo e VI. Procrastinação. Os valores de fidelidade e validade dos resultados que integram a escala mostram-se consentâneos com as exigências métricas para este tipo de instrumento: a variância explicada variou entre 47.4% e 60.6% e as cargas fatoriais variaram entre 0.40 e 0.81. Tais resultados, permitem-nos evidenciar a utilidade deste instrumento como medida de avaliação de competências e métodos de estudo, em contexto do Ensino Superior. São referidas algumas implicações ao nível do ensino angolano, no sentido de sensibilizar os estudantes para a utilização de adequados métodos de estudo que possam facilitar o sucesso académico.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Contribuciones para la traducción y validación de la escala Adapted Illness Intrusive-ness Ratings en el contexto portugués

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    Enquadramento: A adaptação e validação da escala Adapted Illness Intrusiveness Ratings Scale é um estudo de tradução e medição das suas propriedades psicométricas, permitindo avaliar a sua validade e confiabilidade. Procedemos à sua adaptação e validação devido ao facto de não ter sido ainda realizado no contexto português. Objetivos: Tradução e validação da escala. Metodologia: O instrumento foi aplicado a uma amostra de conveniência de 271 pessoas com doença crónica, comidades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 65 anos residentes em Lisboa. Para avaliar as suas propriedades psicométricas recorreu-se a análise fatorial exploratória. Confirmou-se o modelo proposto pelo autor através da análise fatorial confirmatória. Resultados: Da análise fatorial com rotação Varimax resultaram 3 dimensões (Atividades Instrumentais, Intimidade, Relacionamento e Desenvolvimento Pessoal) explicando 73,24% da variância total. A escala revelou uma consistência interna global de 0,92. Conclusão: A escala mostrou ser um instrumento fiável, válido e útil para medir a perceção da interferência da doença crónica na vida das pessoas.Background: The Adapted Illness Intrusiveness Ratings Scale was adapted and validated for the Portuguese context. Following the process of translation, its psychometric properties were measured with the purpose of assessing its validity and reliability. Objectives: Translation and validation of the scale. Methodology: The instrument was applied to a convenience sample of 271 people with chronic illness, aged 18-65 years, and living in Lisbon. An exploratory factor analysis was performed to assess its psychometric properties. The model proposed by the author was confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis. Results: The factor analysis with Varimax rotation revealed three dimensions (Instrumental Activities, Intimacy, Relationships and Personal Development), which explained 73.24% of total variance. The scale showed an overall internal consistency of 0.92. Conclusion: The scale proved to be a reliable, valid, and useful tool to measure the perceived interference of chronic disease in people’s lives.Marco contextual: La adaptación y validación de la escala Adapted Illness Intrusiveness Ratings Scale es un estudio de traducción y medición de sus propiedades psicométricas, lo que permite evaluar su validez y fiabilidad. Se ha procedido a su adaptación y validación debido a que todavía no se había realizado en el contexto portugués. Objetivos: Traducción y validación de la escala. Metodología: El instrumento se aplicó a una muestra de conveniencia de 271 personas con enfermedad crónica, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 65 años y residentes de Lisboa. Para evaluar sus propiedades psicométricas se recurrió al análisis factorial exploratorio. Se confirmó el modelo propuesto por el autor a través del análisis factorial confirmatorio. Resultados: Del análisis factorial con rotación Varimax surgieron 3 dimensiones (Actividades Instrumentales, Intimidad, Relación y Desarrollo), lo que explica el 73,24 % de la varianza total. La escala reveló una consistencia interna global de 0,92. Conclusión: La escala mostró que es un instrumento fiable, válido y útil para medir la percepción de la interferencia de la enfermedad crónica en la vida de las personas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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